The Design Process

Even something as subjective as design needs tons of research and review before actually beginning. So let’s get on it!

    1. Define the problem

      What is it you want to achieve? Pinpoint the problem at hand and approach it head-on. Doing this paves the platform to solve it at a more strategic pace.

    2. Collect information

      Gather everything related to the design that could possibly help you. Don’t stray too far away from the client’s preference or you’ll be starting from scratch all over again.

    3. Brainstorm ideas

      Then organize your thoughts for inspiration. Go ahead and make as many drafts you can so you know which is the best.

    4. Develop ideas

      From those drafts, pick out the best and develop it into a better version of itself. Now you’re almost done!

    5. Feedback

      Listen to the critics and apply their comments in your design. After all, they are the one that will give the green light to present your work to their audience.

    6. Improve on your ideas

      Consult with your client regularly to bring the design to its full potential. When you’re complete, use that experience to help you deal with other designs.

Not as simple as you think right? It takes more than just being creative, you need to PLEASE THE PEOPLE. Now that’s a challenge.

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